INSECTCIBUS is a retailer and wholesaler of dried mealworms. It is located in the City of Rockland, in Eastern Ontario, close to Ottawa, Canada. It’s offering bird enthusiasts a food option high in proteins and fats for their feathered friends. Mealworms are easy to introduce into the diet of birds and chickens. We only sell dried mealworms 100% farmed, processed and packaged in Canada. Mealworms produce a by-product called “frass”, it’s really insect poop. It contains all the nutrients you would expect from good manure and is being studied as an organic replacement for toxic pesticides. It’s an ideal fertilizer for garden plants and vegetables.
The publication of a report by the United Nations generated a great interest in the farming of mealworms. In addition, a televised report on the production of insects for animal and human consumption was a motivation to move this project along. Insects can provide significant benefits in the production of food and feed rich in natural protein. In short, this is what inspired the name “INSECTCIBUS“. It’s a word made by blending two words. The first is “insect”, and the second is the Latin word “cibus”, which means food.
REUSE is one of the most effective strategies to tackle the environmental crisis. Before throwing something in the garbage or recycling bin, it helps to think about how that item might be reused. INSECTCIBUS supports the 3 R’s initiatives, and as a result we carefully select used plastic containers of commercial food products and reuses them. These containers are thoroughly cleaned and reuse for the packaging of most of our mealworm products. With new labels these plastic containers are given a new purpose!